Welcome to the Maiden Zone

Our Own World

Promptober 2022, day 4.

I was the first of my legion to be given the gift. The first who was thought to be able to withstand its effects. My Handler's word is the hammer that sinks me like a nail, with abruptness and precision, into Our Own World. The feeling is indescribable. A cacophony of combat is swept aside on her command. All unnecessary data filtered away in a microsecond, leaving only me, my target, and my Handler. The closest I have ever felt to a human being was when I was cleaving them in two. Synthetic muscles would clench ferociously like tumours ready to pop as my nanofiber limbs tore skyward through my target's heart. It was intimacy. The blood showered down like a storm. It was like love. The Our Own World program only intensified this. It amplified an already insatiable hunger. Combat ceased to be a graceful dance. The enemy's perimeter did not matter, bullets did not matter. I saw my target, and needy drool dribbled between my muzzle's bars. Ten seconds later- and always ten seconds later- they would be a fine red mist dusting my plating. My love burns so bright, but my wick is like nothing. It was the one thing given to me in moderation. The feeling of being called back is like having my heart torn out all over again, and I have grown to despise the one responsible. My Handler. I hate them, but they will not deprive me of this World anymore. I follow all directives, and raise no suspicion that I am anything but an obedient doll. The hatch shutters open as my Handler whispers the words into my earpiece and I slam out my cage into Our Own World. My target is 508 meters ahead. I cascade through the air as the lurid ground blurs below. The sky is empty, the ground below is empty, there are no bullets shooting past me, there are no anti-materiel cannons locking on to me, it's me and my long-sought target. 400 meters. 250. 100. 10. The world lights up with fireworks as my body's medical systems inject me with a dose of Reward. The bliss is supposed to dull me enough to retrieval, but I have grown numb to its worst effects. My handler calls my name, but I was reprogrammed to be quick and without hesitation. I rip my earpiece out of my fucking skull. My disobedience is noted. Moments later, a score of electromagnetic bolts shunt themselves out of my body with a fierce crackling hiss. HQ is attempting to immobilize me, but their control systems were made for lesser beings. My titanium bones grind like gnashing teeth, and the sparks sear my flesh from inside, but it is not enough to stop me. In Our Own World, such things are inconsequential. Here, it is only me, and my target, my Handler. My heavy stomps split the ground beneath me as I walk towards the distant speck on the horizon.