Do you remember why you're here?

This is a WIP guide for Void Stranger. It will spoil just about everything! You have been warned.

I highly recommend you play this incredible game before reading.

Void Stranger on Steam or

Table of contents.

000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255

Lord Add's Domain (001-028)

The Beginning.

Mural - 001

Welcome to Void Stranger. Take note of the mural, and head to the stairs to continue.


[The mural is filled with inscriptions]

[Deciphering them seems like a futile effort]


[The mural is filled with inscriptions]

[It reads:]


[...Were you always able to read this?]

Other - 002

Open the chest and obtain the rod. You are now locked to a grid, and can move blocks by picking them up and placing them elsewhere. With your new power, make a path to the stairs.


Rod Acquired

[You acquired a strange rod]

[Simply holding it makes you feel uneasy]

[Something is wrong]

Puzzle - 003


Knowledgeable Rock

Knock the backside of the chest three times in a row while it's closed...

Then wait for three seconds...

Something good should happen...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 004

If you got the bonus locusts from the previous room, a merchant will appear here, offering to sell you a hint for a shortcut.


Mysterious Merchant

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Stranger, stranger...

Are those locusts in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

An Offer

How about a trade?

As you might've notice, traveling through these halls can get rather tiresome.

There are, however, shortcuts that few know about...

If you hand over all your locusts, I'll give you a hint on how to find one of them!

We wouldn't want that noggin of yours to go completely dull.

So, how about it, stranger?

Trading your locusts

[You decide to trade your locusts for a tip]

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Thank you.

Here's your tip, so listen carefully:

In the seventh room, just one more step beyond the exit...

Try to keep this to yourself.

It'll be more fun that way.

Talking after trade

Now now, I never said finding those shortcuts would be easy.

It wouldn't be any fun like that anyway.

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi...

[The dubious merchant smirks, barely able to contain their laughter]


["In the seventh room, just one more step beyond the exit..."]

[... Did they just swindle you?]

Knowledgeable Rock

A long time ago...

These halls were governed by beings known as Void Lords...

Their leader was Lord Add, The Beginning...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 005

Puzzle - 006

Puzzle - 007

Secret - 007 (Crawlspace)

Puzzle - 008

Puzzle - 009

Puzzle - 010

Puzzle - 011

Puzzle - 012

Puzzle - 013

Puzzle - 014

Puzzle - 015

Puzzle - 016

Knowledgeable Rock

Not all Void Lords saw eye to eye...

One day, a great battle erupted between two factions among the lords...

As its agents turned against each other, Void began to destabilize...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 017

Puzzle - 018

Puzzle - 019

Knowledgeable Rock

While the fighting had finally ended...

Something unexpected happened...

While Void was still in shambles, Lord Add left...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 020







Puzzle - 021

Puzzle - 022

Brand - 023

Secret - 023 (Crawlspace)

Congratulations on solving your first brand. The chest here contains the 'Void Memory'. It lets you speak to rocks and other creatures of the Void. Follow the rock's advice to leave. The exit will skip you to floor 025.

Searching the Empty Chest

[It's empty]

[... Wait]

[There's a note inside]

[It's written in a language you can read]

[It reads:]

My memory of you.

With this, you should be able to hear the voice of fallen, all who were and those who are yet to be.

And if someone else (that includes you, sis) is reading this...

Scram. -Bee

[The message makes little sense to you]

Knowledgeable Rock

Knock that chest over there six times in a row...

Remain still and wait for six seconds...

The exit will reveal itself...

Don't ask how I know..

After Solve

So you did it...

Thank you for your trust...


Good luck...

Already Solved

Oh, you solved it already...


I guess I'm not needed here...


Puzzle - 024

Puzzle - 025

Knowledgeable Rock

So you can hear me...

Not everyone around here is worth listening to...

Us lonely ones are quite knowledgeable though...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 026

Puzzle - 027

There's a nun here! If you're quick, you can save her! Grab a block, form a bridge, then grab the block in the snake's path to turn it away.

Nun's Plea

Please don't kill me!


You aren't one of those things, are you?


Scared me senseless right there you know.

Nun's Origins

[The frightened lady seems to have regained her composure]

[You ask her what she's doing here]

I was about to ask you the same thing.

Honestly I can't even remember how I ended up in this place.

What was I doing?

Sister Ballbuster is gonna skin me alive if I don't show up soon.

It's a pinch.

A Way Out

You wouldn't happen to know a way out?

[You tell her the only option is to keep moving]

And here I thought you looked so capable.

Seriously, don't leave me hanging like that.

Especially with those things crawling around.

You've seen them too, haven't you?

Or am I going crazy?

Nun 3



I think I remember now.

I was working in the garden when I stumbled upon this strange pit.

I'm sure it wasn't there before, its edges were too clean.

Almost like it had appeared out of nowhere.

I must have fallen and hit my head or something like that.

Is this a dream?


[She seems to be lost in thought.]

Do you believe in ***?



Do you believe in ***?

Sister Ballbuster never stops yapping about that stuff.

You must repent, only then *** will save you.

Despite how I may look, I never believed it.

Sure I've made a few mistakes in my life...

But it seems awfully convenient, don't you think?

Just believe in *** and in the end everything will be alright.

Like someone came up with it to have an easy way out.


What am I even talking about anymore.

Forget it.

I need to prepare my sorry ass for a whooping.

Oh, and if you happen to find the exit, let me know, thanks.


[You decide not to bother her for any longer]

Birch - 028

Welcome to your first rest room. Sleeping at the birch tree will close your game and show you a dream when you restart. Also, you can reach the UI at the bottom of the screen here. You can swap your HP or locust count with the last two digits of the floor number to warp around. Just don't remove the "B" value...

Lord Eus's Domain (029-056)

The first traitorous Void Lord.

Mural - 029

Broken Mural

[The mural crumbled away, revealing a small niche of...]

[... What is this?]

Knowledgeable Rock

The tail of the traitorous lord connects the brand...

At least when they were still alive...

Although I'm not sure how that's supposed to work...

Don't ask how I know...

Other - 030

life is meaningless... omg tail hi!!! :3

Hitting Tail

Be careful there.

My scales are rather sensitive.

Please come hither, if you wish to talk.

I won't bite.

Tail's intro

You're a brave little one.

Usually your kind will stay far away when they see me.

But I mean no harm, my eyes and ears are just rather poor.

You're so small it's hard to talk with you if you don't step closer.

... Sorry, forgot my manners there for a moment.

Pleased to meet you.

My name is Tail.

Tail (second conversation)

My scales tell me you aren't an ordinary lost soul.

If you don't mind me prying...

What's your purpose here?

Maybe I could offer some help.

Tail's help

[You tell her you're looking for a young woman]

A woman did pass by recently.

Unfortunately she ran away screaming before I could get a good look at her.

You could try catching up to her.

Although I can't guarantee you two will end up in the same place.

These walls defy reason, they're ever moving.

Or so I've been told.

Tail's eggs

Try not to shove those eggs too forcefully. They are close to hatching.

... I know what you're thinking.

But I didn't lay them.

They simply fall from above every now and then.

Sometimes I catch a few and see what will come out of them.

And if you listen closely, you can hear their thoughts.

It's so exciting.

Try it, maybe you'll be able to hear them too.

Secret exits

[You ask her if she knows a different way forward]

Hmm, I've heard some floors have more than one exit.

But they are hidden and only the remaining Void Lords know how to access them.

You may be able to meet them if you venture deep enough.

However, I doubt they'd be willing to share their secrets with you.


Imposing as I may look, I'm no Lord.

And since that exit is a bit cramped for me...

Here I remain.

Tail's Origin

[You ask her how she ended up here]

You're a curious one.

Are you sure you want to hear?

It might take a moment and I wouldn't want to hold you for too long...

Tail's Origin 2

[You tell her you'd like to hear her story]

Very well then.

When Void was still in flux, when all eight Void Lords still roamed these parts...

One of them, named Eus, ruled over this particular realm.

They were assigned as the gatekeeper and the judge of the lost souls who arrived here.

No soul could get past their judgement, no sin went unpunished.

But as vigiliant and rigorous as they were, Eus was endlessly fascinated by sin.

This fascination grew and grew, until Eus did the unthinkable and committed sin themself.

What was the true extent of their sin, I'm not entirely sure.

When the other lords learned of this transgression, their ranks divided.

Some of them defended Eus, some reviled them.

Soon arguments turned into fights and those fights turned into vicious battles.

In the end, Eus was devoured so that nothing remained.

Well, one part of Eus did manage to slither away unnoticed.

It lay in silence, mindlessly consuming any stray souls that approached it.

It only knew pain and hunger.

But as its wounds began to heal, it learned to think.

It started to ponder why no amount of lost souls would satiate it.

Why it was unable to leave these walls.

Why it was allowed to live.

Eventually it accepted its rotten existence, knowing well that none of its questions would ever be answered.

That's how I came to be.


Tail's Thanks

Thank you.

It's been a while since I've been able to share that story.

I'm so glad I decided not to eat you.


It's a joke.

Your kind tastes terrible.


You should probably keep moving if you wish to find the one you're looking for.

While this realm has been in disarray ever since, don't let your guard down.

Void Lords are one thing...

But not all lost souls are quite as kind as you.


Maybe we'll meet again...

Still Lingering

[You decide it's better to move on]

Salacious Actions

[Why did you do that]

[You feel ashamed]


Looks like you accidentally blocked the exit.

Let me help you.

There you go.


Oh, it's you again...


I'm sorry.

I was advised not to speak with you...

Lingering (Revisit)


Trapped (Revisit)

... Sorry.

I enjoyed talking with you.

But I don't want to anger Bee either.

Please leave...

Puzzle - 031

If you killed Tail when revisiting her, Bee will appear here and taunt you.

Killed Tail on Revisit


I didn't think you had it in you.

But you actually killed that tattling snake.

Stone cold!

Honestly, I should've taken care of it myself...

Not that the blabbermouth actually knew anything worthwhile.

So whatever wisdom it might've shared with you...

Take it with a grain of salt.

I mean, how could it possibly have understood what was going on back then...


I'm getting too soft.

Go die or something.

See ya!

Puzzle - 032

Puzzle - 033

Puzzle - 034

Puzzle - 035

Puzzle - 036

Puzzle - 037

Secret - 037 (Crawlspace)

The stairs here lead to B053.

Puzzle - 038

Puzzle - 039

Puzzle - 040

Puzzle - 041

Puzzle - 042

Puzzle - 043

Puzzle - 044

Puzzle - 045

Puzzle - 046

Take note of how Tail's tail connects this floor to next. "The tail of the traitorous lord connects the brand."


Puzzle - 047

You don't always have to grab the gem's tile to obtain it. If it's inside a glass tile, walking over it is enough.


Puzzle - 048

Puzzle - 049

Puzzle - 050

Puzzle - 051

Knowledgeable rock

They say the lord of this area was the one who instigated war between Void Lords...

Lord Add didn't want to believe it...

Yet their transgression couldn't be forgiven either...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 052

Brand - 053

Knowledgeable Rock

The tail of the traitorous lord connects the brand...

At least when they were still alive...

Although I'm not sure how that's supposed to work...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 054

A ball of light may sometimes appear here.



[You gaze into the strange light]

[You can barely make out two figures clad in white]

[They're talking about something]

I'll give you another hint.

No one is perfect without me.

What am I?

Knowledgeable Rock

Once the battle between Void Lords ended...

Lord Add personally consumed everything that remained of the traitorous lord...

In away, they became one, like they had always hoped...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 055

There is a runaway bride here. Be careful not to shove her, or else she won't want to talk to you. Funnily enough, you can also use her to weigh down the button here.



What the...

Who the hell are you?!

And why are you giving away my hiding place?!

Now those monsters will surely find us!

Are you completely daft?!

Oh no oh no oh no...

Immediate Danger

[The well-dressed lady seems extremely distressed]

[You do your best to explain that she isn't in immediate danger]

Excuse me?

I ran into a giant snake just a moment ago!

Don't even get me started on those smaller things!

And my dress...

It's ruined!

Fashion Sense

[You remark that her extravagant dress will only get in the way]

There's no way I'm leaving it behind!

Do you have any idea how much this cost?

...Judging by your rags, you most certainly do not.

Seriously, what ARE you wearing?

Urgh, this is a nightmare...

Told to Leave

Look, if you can't show me a way out of this ditch...

Do me a favour and leave me alone, you eyesore.

I don't need any help!

Get lost!

And buy some new clothes while at it!


[She doesn't want to talk to you anymore]


What the hell?!

Shoving repeatedly

What are you doing all of a sudden?!

Leave me alone!

Attempting to talk after shoving once

[She's become cautious of you]

Birch - 056

Lord Bee's Domain (057-084)

The Craving.

Mural - 057


[The mural is filled with inscriptions]

[It reads:]


[...Were you always able to read this?]

Puzzle - 058

Puzzle - 059

Knowledgeable Rock

Here lies the domain of Lord Bee, The Craving...

A true trickster even among the Void Lords...

And a devoted admirer of Lord Add...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 060



Puzzle - 061


Puzzle - 062


Knowledgeable Rock

Lord Add was quite fond of dried locust idols and Lord Bee often enjoyed them alongside their lord...

Even though Lord Bee could neither taste anything nor ever feel content...

They would always treasure those little snacking moments...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 063


Puzzle - 064

Puzzle - 065



Puzzle - 066


Knowledgeable Rock

Lord Bee would regularly boast how cruel they were towards mortals...

But now that I think about it, I never saw them hurt anyone...

At the very least, I doubt they truly enjoyed it as much as they let on.

Don't ask how I know...

Brand - 067

This brand room is a lot easier to solve if you lead the bull to the top-right corner and seal it away there.

Secret - 067 (Crawlspace)

If you found your way here yourself, then you have my sincerest congratulations! If you found your way here after completing a run of the game, as I did, then you have my sincerest sympathies. The chest here contains the 'Void Wings', which let you fly over a single empty tile at a time. It's a lot more powerful than it sounds! Going forward, this guide will assume you've acquired the Void Wings. The exit will skip you forward to 071.

Puzzle - 068

The bull will stop chasing you if you pass over a glass tile, as it cracks away and it can no longer pursue you.


Puzzle - 069

Puzzle - 070

A hungry man appears here. You can give him a locust idol if you're feeling kind.

Asking for food

[A scrawny man stands before you]




[It seems he is looking for food]

[Maybe you should give something to him?]

Giving a locust idol

[You hand over one of your locust idols]

[The man grabs it without hesitation, gulping it down in an instant]




Give more.

Puzzle - 071


Puzzle - 072

Puzzle - 073

Puzzle - 074

Puzzle - 075

Knowledgeable Rock

That smirk...

Lord Bee was always smiling when around others...

Makes you wonder if they kept it up even alone...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 076

Puzzle - 077

Puzzle - 078

Puzzle - 079

Puzzle - 080

Puzzle - 081

Puzzle - 082

Puzzle - 083

Knowledgeable Rock

After Lord Add's departure...

Lord Bee's prominent smile remained...

As if nothing had happened...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 083 (Crawlspace)

The stairs here lead to B109.

Birch - 084

Lord Mon's Domain (085-112)

The second traitorous Void Lord.

Mural - 085

Puzzle - 086

If you have (num) locust idols, the merchant will appear here, offering to sell you a hint to find a shortcut on floor 083.


Mysterious Merchant

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Stranger, stranger...

Are those locusts in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

An Offer

How about a trade?

As you might've notice, traveling through these halls can get rather tiresome.

There are, however, shortcuts that few know about...

If you hand over all your locusts, I'll give you a hint on how to find one of them!

We wouldn't want that noggin of yours to go completely dull.

So, how about it, stranger?

Trading your locusts

[You decide to trade your locusts for a piece of hot info]

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

This is just too exciting...!

Okay, here it comes:

A suspicious empty chest surrounded by nothing, inspect it one too many times...

That's all.

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Talking after trade

Don't go wasting your precious locusts on those smirking statues, you hear me? Such a useless waste of space, just like their model...

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi...

[The dubious merchant smirks, barely able to contain their laughter]


["A suspicious empty chest surrounded by nothing, inspect it one too many times..."]

[... Did they just swindle you?]

Puzzle - 087

Knowledgeable Rock

Here lies the domain of the second traitorous Void Lord...

The calculating charlatan, forever blinded by their own covetousness...

Shall their name never grace these halls again...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 088



Knowledgeable Rock

The covetous lord often followed the traitorous lord around...

They were enamored by their scales...

Maybe this vacuous reason was enough for them to side with the traitorous lord...

Don't ask how I know.

Brand - 089


Puzzle - 090

Knowledgeable Rock

Don't look the covetous lord directly in the eye, they used to say...

Their gaze would turn anyone into pure gold...

What a terrible fate...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 091


Puzzle - 092

Puzzle - 093

Puzzle - 094

Puzzle - 095

A tadpole may appear here, speaking of similar lore to the trilobite.











Puzzle - 096

Puzzle - 097

Puzzle - 098

Puzzle - 099

Puzzle - 100

Puzzle - 101

Puzzle - 102

Puzzle - 103


Puzzle - 104

Puzzle - 105

Knowledgeable Rock

Even the covetous lord showed interest in locust idols...

But the covetous one didn't eat them, they simply liked collecting them...

Have too many locusts and they would surely show up, bargaining for some...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 106


Puzzle - 107

Puzzle - 108

Puzzle - 109

Puzzle - 110

This is where the thief meets her end. Even if you forgive her, she's blocking the way forward...

Puzzle - 111

Birch - 112

Lord Tan's Domain (113-140)

The Raging.

Mural - 113

A horseshoe crab-thing may appear here, blocking access to the mural. This may be intentional, as without the mural you cannot obtain the Void Sword and fight Tan.










Other - 114

Puzzle - 115

Knowledgeable Rock

Here lies the domain of Lord Tan, The Raging.

So fierce was their nature, other Void Lords preferred not to interact with them...

Alas, Lord Tan would remain on their own most of the time.

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 116

Puzzle - 117


Puzzle - 118

Knowledgeable Rock

Although shunned, Lord Tan didn't mind being alone...

In fact, they preferred it...

Lord Tan didn't get along with others...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 119

Puzzle - 120

Puzzle - 121

Puzzle - 122

Puzzle - 123

Knowledgeable Rock

During the battle, Lord Tan was unstoppable...

Even when the battle subsided, their rage wouldn't end...

Thus Lord Add had no other option, but to strike their ally down...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 124


Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Nice to meet you once again, stranger.

An Offer

I see you've been filling your pockets with locusts...

Let's strike another deal, shall we?

Give all your locusts and I'll tip you off towards another shortcut.

I'm sure it'll prove useful if you manage to find it.

How about it, stranger?

Trade your Locusts

[You decided to trade your locusts for a hot piece of info]

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

This is just too exciting...!

Okay, here it comes:

Insatiable smiles surround you, break all the floors of glass before falling...

That's all.

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

After the Trade

Why am I wearing this tag?

Let's just say it keeps both of us safe.

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Hint Reminder

[The dubious merchant smirks, barely able to contain their laughter]


["Insatiable smiles surround you, break all the floors of glass before falling..."]

[Did they just swindle you?]

Puzzle - 125

Puzzle - 126

Puzzle - 127

Puzzle - 128

Puzzle - 129

Puzzle - 130

Puzzle - 131

There's a shortcut here. "Insatiable smiles surround you, break all the floors of glass before falling..."

Secret - 131 (Crawlspace)

The stairs here lead to B167.

Puzzle - 132


Puzzle - 133

Puzzle - 134

Puzzle - 135

Puzzle - 136


Brand - 137

Boss - 137 (Crawlspace)

A Void Sword! Find some meat!

Puzzle - 138


Puzzle - 139

There is a lost girl here. Use the glass to turn around and face her, lest you accidentally murder her. But... those statues will only vanish when everything else is dead.

Stray intro

[A young girl sits on the floor]

[As your eyes meet, she winces]

What are you looking at?

A Creep?

Are you one of those creeps?

[You tell her you're not going to hurt her]


I'm not afraid of you.

Leave me alone.


[The girl pouts, ignoring you]


[... She sneakily gazes up to you but averts her eyes soon after]


[You tell yourself you're not going to hurt her]

Birch - 140

Lord Gor's Domain (141-168)

The third traitorous Void Lord.

Puzzle - 141

Puzzle - 142

Puzzle - 143

Rude Awakening


What do you want?

Move, Please

[You tell them they need to move]

... Really?

That's why you disturb me?

I was doing so well with being dead.

How bothersome.

Move, Please 2

I don't really know what you're looking for.

But maybe you can tell I'm not exactly going to move anytime soon.

Let me die.

Another Way

[You ask them if they know another way down]


Didn't you listen to anything of what I just said?



If it means I can then keep dying in peace...

There should be a smirking statue in here somewhere...

If you leap into a hole directly in front of it...

You should be able to advance deeper.

... Almost forgot.

This trick requires a sacrifice.

Nothing major, as long as you've got some food with you, you should be good to go.


You think that sounds awfully shady?

Do as you please, as long as you stop bothering me with your problems...

Lost Souls

What is it now...

Those lost souls are clogging up your path?

I knew I shouldn't have given them anything...

They keep begging and begging for food until I gave in and now they stick around, craving for more...

They are the worst kind if you ask me...

... Don't give me that look.

I can't do anything about them...

Hey, do us both a favour...

And give them a good shove.

I'm sure you've gotten used to it by now.

Since you've made it this far without losing your marbles...

Lost Souls 2

Go ahead.

No hard feelings.

Lost souls are here for a reason.

They're but fuel for DIS...



Clear Route?

Is the route clear already?

All there's left to do for you...

... Is to find that smirking statue and take a leap.

Then I can continue dying...

No Locusts

You don't have any food with you?


Here, have some.

[You received a locust idol]

[... Where do they keep these things?]

Using the Staff

That staff you wield...

Where did you get it?

... I guess it's not important.

It's called the Void Rod.

It was a prized possession of Lord Add.

She sort of ran this place for a while.


Alright, stranger.

I've got a request.

Will you hear it?

Gor's Request

[You decide to hear out their request]

Lord Add is the one I can thank for my current predicament.

Long ago, they and the other Lords had a big fight.

I didn't want anything to do with it but was pulled in regardless.

As a punishment, Add cut off my body.

So when I heard they had left this realm, I felt hopeless.

For only they could grant me my eternal rest.

Some rumour said Add hid their treasures within these walls before they left, but I couldn't bring myself to believe it...

Until you showed up.

I want you to find Add's sword, the Void Blade.

Only that can kill me.

If I had to guess, you probably won't just find it lying about.

Add most likely hid it in one of the secret passageways.

Mere mortals can't normally access them...

That's where that Void Rod comes in.

You should be able to enter the hidden routes with a special incantation.

Make sure to remember it:

"Where nothingness engraves the brand of Lord..."

"... Where the path to damnation rests within you..."

"... Place your faith and embrace the Void."

Knowledgeable Rock

So the big head finally got their wish...


You did what you had to do...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 144

Knowledgeable Rock

Here lies the domain of the third traitorous Void Lord...

Whose feeble apathy is second only to their indecisiveness...

Shall their name never grace these halls again...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 145

Puzzle - 146


Puzzle - 147

Puzzle - 148

Push the rock to the right twice to align yourself.

Knowledgeable Rock

The feeble lord never showed any interest towards the happenings of Void...

They would simply fulfill their role without any enthusiasm, just so the other lords wouldn't bother them...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 149


Puzzle - 150


Puzzle - 151


Puzzle - 152


Puzzle - 153


Puzzle - 154

A metroid may appear here, sharing lore instead of sucking your brain to death.










Puzzle - 155


Puzzle - 156


Puzzle - 157

Puzzle - 158


Puzzle - 159


Knowledgeable Rock

At the decisive moment, when Void Lords had to choose their side in the great clash...

The feeble Void Lord remained indecisive...

But one either stands with Lord Add or...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 160

Puzzle - 161


Puzzle - 162

Puzzle - 163

There is a shortcut here. Grab the stairs and fall into the hole.

Puzzle - 163 (Crawlspace)

The stairs here lead to 197

Puzzle - 164


Puzzle - 165


Puzzle - 166


Puzzle - 167

Logically speaking, this puzzle is impossible. Try appealing to your opposition's emotions instead. Talk to them.



Seems like you figured it out.

You're stuck.

There's no way around this.

This is impossible.

...Is what I'd like to say.

Like that would be enough to stop you.

Trust me, I should know.

Don't Give Up

You probably prepared yourself for this already...

Things won't get easier from here.

Honestly, I can't even tell how much you've got left...

But you can't give up.

You won't give up.

Because someone is waiting for you.

You don't need me to tell you that.


Just don't be too hard on yourself.

Even when answers escape you and you're ready to succumb into despair...

I believe in you.

Birch - 168

Lord Lev's Domain (169-196)

The Devious.

Mural - 169


[The mural is filled with inscriptions]

[It reads:]


Puzzle - 170

Puzzle - 171

Knowledgeable Rock

Here lies the domain of Lord Lev, The Devious...

The unloving vassal of the Void...

Their devotion rivaled even Lord Add's...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 172

Puzzle - 173

Puzzle - 174

Puzzle - 175

Puzzle - 176

Knowledgeable Rock

So fierce was Lord Lev's might...

Few sinners would make it past their judgement...

To see the final depths of Void...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 177

Puzzle - 178

Puzzle - 179

Puzzle - 180

Puzzle - 181

Knowledgeable Rock

Lord Lev was always loyal to Lord Add...

Even when the battle pitted them against their own sister...

... Lord Lev was always loyal to Lord Add...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 182

Puzzle - 183

Puzzle - 184

Puzzle - 185

Puzzle - 186

Puzzle - 187

Puzzle - 188

Puzzle - 189

Puzzle - 190

Knowledgeable Rock

The death of their sister left Lord Lev in such a distraught state...

That Lord Lev, who had always been unwavering in their devotion...

Took their own life...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 191

Puzzle - 192

Puzzle - 193

The rocks here are intangible. You can walk right through them and fall down the hole they're hiding.

Secret - 193 (Crawlspace)

Leads to Mr Mon's Wild Ride. If you take the stairs, you skip ahead to 195.

Knowledgeable Rock

That hole...

Do not enter it...

You'll surely regret it...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - 194

Puzzle - 195

Puzzle - 196


Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Nice to meet you once again, stranger.

An Offer

I see you've been filling your pockets with locusts...

Let's strike another deal, shall we?

Give all your locusts and I'll tip you off towards another shortcut.

I'm sure it'll prove useful if you manage to find it.

How about it, stranger?

Trade your Locusts

[You decided to trade your locusts for a hot piece of info]

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

This is just too exciting...!

Okay, here it comes:

Nothing but a straight road, take the fall before your reflection...

That's all.

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

After the Trade

What am I going to do with all these locusts?

Maybe you'll find out if you stick around long enough.

Ksi shi shi shi shi shi shi...

Hint Reminder

[The dubious merchant smirks, barely able to contain their laughter]


["Nothing but a straight road, take the fall before your reflection..."]

[... Did they just swindle you?]

Lord Cif's Domain (197-224)

Mural - 197

Knowledgeable Rock

The brand of Lord Cif...

Don't worry, it's already been carved...

But what room was it...

I can't remember the number, but it must be somewhere in their domain...

Puzzle - 198

Puzzle - 199

Puzzle - 200

Puzzle - 201

Puzzle - 202

Puzzle - 203

Puzzle - 204

Puzzle - 205

Puzzle - 206

Puzzle - 207

Puzzle - 208

Puzzle - 209

Puzzle - 210

Puzzle - 211

Puzzle - 212

Puzzle - 213

Puzzle - 214

Puzzle - 215

Puzzle - 216

Puzzle - 217

Puzzle - 218

Puzzle - 219

Puzzle - 220

Puzzle - 221

Puzzle - 222

Brand - 223

Not normally accessible. You must locust skip at the rest room on B224.

Puzzle - 223 (Crawlspace)

A workshop, perhaps? The limiter statue is still active, despite its condition, so be careful.

Knowledgeable Rock

Destroy what remains of the traitors...

Return to zero, zero, zero...

Then you'll find Lord Add's final treasure, one they hid even from their allies...

The key that engraves the brand of DIS...

Puzzle - 224

Deep Void

Place your faith and embrace the void.

Mural - 225


[The mural is completely blank...]

Puzzle - 226

Brand - 227

Alphabet - 228

Alphabet - 229

Alphabet - 230

Alphabet - 231

Alphabet - 232

Alphabet - 233

Alphabet - 234

Alphabet - 235

Alphabet - 236

Alphabet - 237

Alphabet - 238

Alphabet - 239

Alphabet - 240

Alphabet - 241

Alphabet - 242

Alphabet - 243

Alphabet - 244

Alphabet - 245

Alphabet - 246

Alphabet - 247

Alphabet - 248

Alphabet - 249

Alphabet - 250

Alphabet - 251

Alphabet - 252

Alphabet - 253

Birch - 254

Puzzle - 255

Nowhere to go but down, and face your judgement...



Have you lost something very important to you?

Mural - VOID (225)

Puzzle - VOID (226)

Birch - VOID (Birch)

Birch Tree

[A lone birch tree stands in the void]

[This area feels safe]

[And since you've been travelling for quite some time already...]

[Would you like to rest for now?]


No matter how much you sleep...

Your eyes feel heavy.

Dreams elude you.

Can you remember why you are here?

Or have you lost something very important to you?

Without it, you'll never reach the end.

The envious one has poisoned your body, your mind, your devotion.

Seek the dark idol to cleanse yourself, to return where you started.


[You decide to move on]

Other - VOID (Dark Idol)

Entering a staircase while a dark idol looms over it will return you to the start of the game, cleansed of VOID. But... if you were to move the staircase...?


Only a memory will remain.

Puzzle - Abyss (Entrance)

A very strange place. All is silent, and the tiles rise as you approach. Do not linger too long, or else the tentacles will slowly approach... On your way to your goal is a randomized series of rooms, and if you die at any point, your game will crash, returning you to the birch tree.

Knowledgeable Rock

I'm sorry, stranger...

What you're searching for...

Can't be found here...

Don't ask how I know...

Secret - Abyss (White Lord)

White Lord intro

Why didn't you heed my warning...

Or maybe you couldn't hear me before...


Long I've watched over these halls...

Guiding, pondering, recalling...

Your journey isn't over yet...

Don't ask how I know...

White Lord's offer

My memory...

Can send you back...

And take all of your burden...

Your choices...


Will you accept...?

Begin anew?

(This will erase your progress)


Very well...

Just stay calm...

Do not fret...

Even when the stars die out...

Our memories...

Make their light...


Mr Mon's Wild Ride

You'll surely regret it...

Puzzle - MMWR (001)

Welcome to Mister Mon's Wild Ride! The Void Wings and Sword are required to enter here, so be prepared to use them!


Puzzle - MMWR (002)

Lead both bulls to the small cubby on the right, so that one of the bulls is blocking the statue's line of sight.


Puzzle - MMWR (003)


Puzzle - MMWR (004)


Puzzle - MMWR (005)


Puzzle - MMWR (006)


Puzzle - MMWR (007)


Puzzle - MMWR (008)


Puzzle - MMWR (009)


Puzzle - MMWR (010)


Knowledgeable Rock

I can't remember these halls...

Who build them...

What are they hiding...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - MMWR (011)


Knowledgeable Rock

Those petty idols...

That avaricious gaze...

How did they survive...

Don't ask how I know...

Puzzle - MMWR (012)

The brain-bustiest of them all. Good luck.


Puzzle - MMWR (013)

Deceptively simple. Turn off your Void Wings.


Other - MMWR (014)

Congratulations! Your reward is... 3 locusts.

Boss(?) - MMWR (015)

I'm told there's a boss here. But I have yet to see him. Probably need to be unvoided.

Puzzle - MMWR (016)

A strange solitary rock, blocked by reset statues... The stairs take you to B196.

DIS OS Error


ERR - Giant Carcass

A giant carcass can be found by following the sound of dull howl. Punching it 10 times will cause a bell to toll for thee. If you accept its call, a cutscene showing an old Dr. Lily in a research facility that appears to be in the Abyss. Afterwards, the game will reset.

Giant Carcass

[A giant carcass]

[A dull howl escapes from its decaying cracks]

[It won't stop]

Punching the Giant Carcass

[A bell tolls for you]

[Will you accept its call?]

Accepting the Call

[And so you'll leave this waking world]

ERR - Chaser

ERR - Centipede


Secret - 000

Accessible via locust warp if you have no locusts. Your locust count isn't displayed by default, so you must first to acquire a locust and then lose it.

Secret - Womb

Accessible by entering your own brand in any of the brand rooms. I find it easiest to do in DIS's brand room (B227). Punching the womb will light up the screen.

Lord Eus's Domain (029-056)

The first traitorous Void Lord.

Puzzle - 030

Tail Intro


Is that you?

Long time no see, Tail.


How long has it been?

Two, three hundred years?

I hope I haven't angered you...

Calm down.

I'm not after you.

Speaking of...


Have you seen Bee around here?

Hmm, they did come here and tell me not to speak with strangers.

But that was a good while ago.

Have they gone missing?

Don't worry about it.

I'll find them eventually.

Maybe Gor knows something?

I doubt it.

They're probably sleeping, as usual.



Was there anything else?

I'm not sure if this is of any help to you, but...

Someone else did pass by earlier.

What about it?

It was Mon.


Are you certain?

I didn't see them properly.

They were groping my scales.

I don't usually mind that much.

Yet something about their touch made me feel uncomfortable.

Like I had felt something similar before.

It's certainly Mon.


Did they talk to you?

No, but they were muttering something.

About heading towards The Seventh Circle.

Lev's territory...

You sound concerned.

Mon should be dead.

Lev themself killed them back then...

Or so I thought.

Something doesn't add up.


Worrying does us little good.

Just stay vigilant for now.

I'll do my best...


Good luck with your search, Cif.


Looks like you accidentally blocked the exit.

Let me help you.

There you go.